Chamber's Border Walk

Chamber's Border Walk:
- The Chambers Border Walk is a walk which John Chambers has planned
out around the perimeter of his property. There are various signs around the property from
which you can begin the walk, the path begins in front of the orchard or can be accessed
from next to the lodge.
- The walk is well sign posted and various points of interest are pointed out along
the way, for example, John has placed a sign post in the direction where you are most
likely to see the elusive Platypus on his property.
- There are some gum trees which are often raised as a point of interest. These are
the Rose Gum Eucalyptus Grandus, and are easily identified by their pristine white
coloured bark. These can be seen easily by looking up when you drive or walk along The
Chambers driveway.
- The common rainforest plants such as the wait-a-while (lawyer vine), tree fern
and various epiphytes can be seen along the walk, as well as numerous insects and
butterflies. You may also see some of the 170 bird species that are found on the property.
- The walk itself follows the creek for a little bit then turns to run almost
parallel to the driveway. It continues in this way for a while and then gradually veers
and crosses the driveway. At this point you are able to see some fine specimens of the
Rose Gum, on your right is a water tank. The path continues to wind its way through some
relatively open forest which is found behind the office. The path curves and continues
down back towards the creek.
- Running back along the creek, there is a Platypus viewing area where these
animals can be seen towards the end of the day. They are very shy though and to see them
you must be very quiet and very patient.
- The path then climbs up the bank and returns you to the starting point, in front
of the orchard.