White-lipped Tree Frog  Photo: Courtesy of Damon Ramsey BSc.(Zool) Biologist Guide
White-lipped Tree Frog, Giant Tree Frog: Litoria infrafrenata - Bright green or brown above with a defined white stripe covering its lower lip which extends to the base of the forelimb.
- There is another white stripe along the hind legs including the fifth and most of the fourth toes.
- These white stripes may become pink at times.
- White underside
- The skin may become quite lumpy on the sides and underside of the frog.
Habitat: - Found in a wide variety of habitats from rainforest to cultivated areas.
- Frequently inhabits houses, sheds, garages and other human habitations.
- Forages on humid wet evenings.
Size: - This is the largest Tree frog on earth reaching an average of ten centimetres long. Yet some adults may reach up to fourteen centimetres in length.
Call: - The male mating call is similar to a dog bark.
- When molested, the Giant Tree Frog may meow like a distressed cat.
Additional Information: Courtesy of Damon Ramsey It is less lumpy than the common tree frog They give out a strange double 'kurchunk' call. Can be seen on the vegetation along the Daintree River, and in the swamp to the north of the Cape Tribulation car park in the wet season.
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