Bumpy Rocketfrog
 Photo: Courtesy of Damon Ramsey BSc.(Zool) Biologist Guide
Bumpy Rocketfrog:- Litoria inermis - A slender frog, grey-brown above with indistinct darker and lighter brown or reddish blotches and flecks, usually covering individual warts.
- Upper lip flecked with white
- Hind side of thighs mottled or blotched with white or yellow and dark brown, rarely forming a fine reticulate pattern.
- Hindlimbs lightly barred or speckled with brown on above.
Size: - The average adult length of the Bumpy Rocketfrog is 35 millimetres.
Distribution: - Coast and hinterland of northern Australia, from the Kimberleys in WA to the central coast of Qld.
Habitat: - A terrestrial species usually found on warm, humid evenings, especially after rain. Primary habitats include coastal and river floodplains, monsoon forest and savannah woodlands.
Information: Harold G. Cogger, Reptiles & Amphibians of Australia Additional Bumpy Rocketfrog Photos |